Bright Design With White Picture Frames

Corporate White

Summer is a time to lighten up your interior design; a time to give your rooms an airy, breezy feel. You can use paint color choices and furniture accessories like throw pillows and table runners to accomplish this. You can also use picture frames to give your design that beach-house feel. You can always use colorful picture frames to achieve a warm, festive feel, but…

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Charity of the Month: American Cancer Society Relay For Life

In 2008 I was in a local band. We played shows all over the country and were asked to play many local benefits. That summer we were asked to be a part of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Us and a group of other musicians would play round the clock for 24 hours as people walked a track at the Lebanon Speedway, earning…

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Quick and Easy with Bent Acrylic Picture Frames

acrylic picture frames

You spend a lot of time in your office or your cubicle. Your desk becomes a second home and you want to feel comfortable while you spend hours toiling away at your job. It’s nice to be able to look up and see photos of family and friends; pictures or even magazine clippings that remind us of the things we enjoy. Sometimes there’s not much…

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Marilyn Monroe – An American Icon

Marilyn Monroe Poster

We all know her and love her. She’s performed in multiple different movies and captivated our imaginations. She was a style and pop culture icon. Marilyn Monroe was the blonde bombshell of her time. She was widely known for her portrayal of comically funny “dumb blonde” characters and went on to become one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950’s and today. Born…

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Posterservice Celebrates: Cynthia Gabriel

The Frame USA and Posterservice family are both sad and happy to announce the retirement of our good friend and colleague Cynthia Gabriel. Cynthia started with Posterservice fifteen years ago in the Evendale office. She moved with the company when they opened a second location in Woodlawn, braving the heat and dark of the warehouse. When Frame USA and Posterservice moved together to our current…

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Barnwood is Beautiful

The rustic trend in interior design isn’t going away anytime soon. Homespun, handcrafted styling is very popular. When you’re looking for picture frames to frame your art in, if your decor is rustic or country, we have a collection of wood frames that will fit in perfectly with your design. It’s the Frame USA Barnwood collection. Our Barnwood frames come in a number of varieties.…

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Choosing the Best College Dorm Decor

Framed Aubrey Hepburn Poster

We all remember that moment. The moment when we received our acceptance letter to college and the sheer joy we got when we realized we’re officially moving out of mom and dads. While college classes and finding new friends can be intimating, there is nothing more exciting than picking out your college dorm décor! This is the time where you can let your personality shine…

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Picking the Best Poster Frames

Memorial Day weekend is almost here and that’s when Hollywood kicks off the summer blockbuster season and starts releasing their big tentpole movies. If you’re a fan of action, adventure and fantasy or anything with explosions, special effects or spies, this is a great time of year for you. Sometimes it’s fun, when you’re a fan, to get a few posters from the big movies…

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