Interior Design

Wedding Gift Guide

Tis the season of weddings! If you’re looking for unique gifts to shower the newlyweds that won’t be another blender or toaster oven, look no further! We’ve talked a lot about wedding photography and how to use frames within the wedding but now it’s time to talk about the perfect wedding gift! Things To Consider While Shopping For a Picture…

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Help Us Name Our New Series!

For the most part we try and keep the same names our vendor chooses when it comes to the products we bring into our line. However, sometimes, the name the vendor has chosen just doesn’t make sense to what the moulding is and we change it. This is one of those times, only we thought we’d ask our customers for…

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Frame Matting: New Product Line

Framing in general already takes your art and family photos to the next level. So how do you elevate something as polished as a framed print? You add a mat to it! Picture frame matting is the perfect way to add a contrasting color to your already elegant artwork. However, matting also allows for something else to happen when it…

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16×20 Frames To Help You Ace Your New Year’s Resolutions

Bet you were wondering why we’re talking about New Year’s Resolutions three weeks into January. Statistics show that most people give up on their resolution before the end of the month. Whatever your resolution may be, we’re here to show you how our 16×20 art frames and our sister companies motivational posters are the key to getting back on track.…

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Specialty Frames: Back To School

Back To School time is a emotional time for parents regardless of how old your kid is. From preschool to college graduation and everything in between, Frame USA is here to provide you with the Specialty Frames to help you remember the back to school pictures and memories. School Pictures: School Year Frame Skip out on the large picture day…

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Dorm Room Decor: How To Make Your New Home, Feel Like One.

Even though it’s been about 12 years since I first entered college, I can still remember the excitement of shopping for my dorm room and of course moving in. College marks one of the first times someone experiences independence. With independence comes the first time that your decorating style emerges. Dorm room decor, or the lack of, can completely change…

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Real Walnut Hardwood Frames

We’ve heard our customers loud and clear, they want more real wood. Every chance that we can get we’re looking for affordable real wood options for our customers. This is why we’re so excited to announce our limited edition: Real Walnut Picture Frame series. Real Walnut Frame Backstory We were given the opportunity, all thanks to the good relationships we…

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Framing Mirrors: Big or Small

Voluptuous Wide Framed Mirror in Entryway

Frames elevate whatever you add them to, whether that is memorabilia, Fine Art, Street Art Posters, Family Photos, or in this blog’s instance: Mirrors. Framing Mirrors requires a delicate hand and prior knowledge of framing. Framing family photos or posters is easy, but with mirrors, there are specific things you need to keep in mind. Without the tips, you’ll end…

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