picture frames

Colorful Frames

Rustic Blue Picture Frame

Wood frames with a simple stained finish look great. Wood grain lends a rustic flavor to a room. Sometimes, though, you want a pop of color. At Frame USA there are plenty of picture frames, wood frames, metal frames and poster frames, that are available  in more than just the typical wood finish. It’s easy to find white frames and…

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Picking the Best Poster Frames

Memorial Day weekend is almost here and that’s when Hollywood kicks off the summer blockbuster season and starts releasing their big tentpole movies. If you’re a fan of action, adventure and fantasy or anything with explosions, special effects or spies, this is a great time of year for you. Sometimes it’s fun, when you’re a fan, to get a few…

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Graduation Day Framing

In a month or so we’ll begin hearing “Pomp and Circumstance” playing everywhere as schools all over the country engage in their yearly graduation ceremonies. Whether from high school, college or post college masters and PhD programes, graduation is something to celebrate and remember. It’s an accomplishment and a milestone in one’s life. Photos of the event should most certainly…

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Fast Frames

24 hour shipping

Uh oh! You forgot that you needed a picture frame for Gramma’s birthday! You were going to give her a picture of you and your sisters learning cross-stitch from her when you were kids. You wanted something a little nicer than what the stores have but when you order online they usually take time to be built. If only it…

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Framing Up Valentine’s Day

Decorate It 2" Frame

Valentine’s Day is all about letting someone special know that you’re thinking about them. One way to do that is by getting them a gift. You can buy something expensive (like jewelry), or something you know they need (like a gardening trowel) but the gifts that leave the biggest impression are the ones that have meaning behind them. The thoughtful…

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The Art I Frame at Home: Megan Kelley

Hello art enthusiast and frame prospectors!   Believe or not, before started working for team Frame USA, my family was (still are) loyal customers to this fine picture framing establishment! I especially adore the Custom framing department we have. There  is an array of styles, from traditional to modern to myriads of different mats to create limitless framing combinations to help…

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RUSH: Prog rock and posters

Rush Poster

Long, complex songs with deep sub textual meanings buried in lyrics often inspired by sci-fi and fantasy, and played by virtuoso musicians? That is the formula for prog (progressive) rock. And who, you may ask, are the godfathers of the prog rock movement that blew up in the seventies and became a legit subgenre? Well, technically Led Zeppelin laid the groundwork…

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