EmpowerUAmerica.Org – September 2022 Charity of The Month

EmpowerUAmerica is an organization operating out of Cincinnati, Ohio.   EmpowerU provides free classes to the public with the purpose to educate, enjoy and engage in order to get people more empowered in their lives.  We teach out of a physical studio in Cincinnati, but all our classes are also streamed live over the internet.   Our Classes cover a vast array of topics and different speakers with…

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Specialty Frames: Back To School

Back To School time is a emotional time for parents regardless of how old your kid is. From preschool to college graduation and everything in between, Frame USA is here to provide you with the Specialty Frames to help you remember the back to school pictures and memories. School Pictures: School Year Frame Skip out on the large picture day package and opt for one…

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Dorm Room Decor: How To Make Your New Home, Feel Like One.

Even though it’s been about 12 years since I first entered college, I can still remember the excitement of shopping for my dorm room and of course moving in. College marks one of the first times someone experiences independence. With independence comes the first time that your decorating style emerges. Dorm room decor, or the lack of, can completely change your college experience. If you…

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Melanoma Know More – August 2022 Charity of The Month

How do we choose our charities of the month?  Did you know most come from our awesome employees?  We open our Charity program each year to allow our employees to make recommendations of which organizations our company should support, based on their own individual passions and interests. Our Connection To Melanoma Know More If you’ve been with us for a while now, you know we…

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Real Walnut Hardwood Frames

We’ve heard our customers loud and clear, they want more real wood. Every chance that we can get we’re looking for affordable real wood options for our customers. This is why we’re so excited to announce our limited edition: Real Walnut Picture Frame series. Real Walnut Frame Backstory We were given the opportunity, all thanks to the good relationships we keep with our vendors. We…

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Framing Mirrors: Big or Small

Voluptuous Wide Framed Mirror in Entryway

Frames elevate whatever you add them to, whether that is memorabilia, Fine Art, Street Art Posters, Family Photos, or in this blog’s instance: Mirrors. Framing Mirrors requires a delicate hand and prior knowledge of framing. Framing family photos or posters is easy, but with mirrors, there are specific things you need to keep in mind. Without the tips, you’ll end up being surrounded by shattered…

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The Importance of Giving Back – July Charity of The Month

Frame USA C.R.E.A.T.E.S. This acronym represents our core values. Our values are the first thing you see when you enter our warehouse. Definitions of each of them adorn the walls. They serve as a reminder of who we are as a company. They serve as guides for what we expect from every employee. Without these values, our company would continually fail. We would lose the…

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Picture Frame Types: Defined

Picture Frame Types Gallery Wall

It’s relatively easy for someone in the Art world as well as an employee of a framing company to sit down and choose between all the options of picture frames that are available. However, what about the average joe? How do you decide between, Wood Frames, Metal Frames, Poster Frames? It’s simple really, you get help from an expert! Here are the specific picture frame…

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Nature Photography: Learn How To Take Aweinspiring Photos

When it comes to photography there are many different types. Almost every individual that goes to school for art (myself included) is required to take at least one photography class. The reason for this is whether you’re majoring in fine art or digital art, the ability to create a visual layout and capture that on film or digital is crucial for your craft. While the…

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Father’s Day Gift Guide

Father’s Day is coming up soon, and if you’re anything like me I’m sure you’re scrambling last minute to come with up a great gift for the fathers in your life. Finding a new creative gift for dads can be a challenge as well, but lucky for you, we’re here to save the day! Whether you’re looking for a gift guide for Father’s Day to…

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Glioblastoma Foundation – June 2022 Charity of The Month

Finding out that your loved one has cancer is incredibly hard. However thanks to the many foundations and charity organizations out there, research has changed the game in cancer diagnosis and many have a strong fighting chance of beating it. However, finding out that your loved one’s cancer has shortened their life down to the next 15 months, even with treatment? it’s devastating. This is…

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Turn Your House Into A Museum With Victorian Frame Inspiration

Sure traditional and rustic picture frames are nice and all but what if you want something that will wow your friends and have your walls looking like The Met? Art Museums typically frame their pieces in frames reminiscent of the art’s time period. Gilded frames are typically their go-to. Gilded frames are a type of victorian frame that has actual gold or silver leaf on…

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