Labeled & Loved – April Charity of The Month

This month, our Charity of the Month hits especially close to home. Today is the first day of Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month. Depending on your day-to-day, you may have known this, you may not have. You might have heard the phrase, “if you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.” As of December 2021, 1 in 44 children are diagnosed…

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Sage Green Painted Barnwood

There are a number of different companies that put out a “color of the year”. From design companies such as Pantone to paint brands. These colors offer you a glimpse into what experts feel will be a popular trend in their area for the coming year. As a company that produces home decor, these color picks are important to us! They tell us what sort…

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Natural Wood Frames – Trend or Timeless?

It’s no surprise that the most popular style of picture frames that we offer is wood frames. It’s the style we have the most options in, 71 different series to be exact. But what we’re here to talk about today is whether or not real wood photo frames are a trend that will eventually go or a timeless décor that will last a lifetime. Natural…

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Great Gifts and Gorgeous Galleries: Why 16×20 Frames are Awesome

Great picture frames come in all shapes and sizes. But today we are here to celebrate one of the most useful frame sizes available: the 16×20 frame. Just The Right Size What makes 16×20 wall frames so great for so many different occasions are the inherent versatility of the mid-size frame. You could say that 16×20 frames are the “Goldilocks” of picture frames. They’re just…

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The Ehlers-Danlos Society – March Charity of The Month

Imagine waking up in pain, going to work in pain, eating dinner in pain, going to sleep in pain. This is the reality for many people who suffer from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are a group of inherited disorders that affect your connective tissues; primarily your skin, joints, and blood vessel walls. Connective tissue provides strength and elasticity to the underlying structures in your…

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Glass Floating Frames from Frame USA

Behind the scenes, at Frame USA we have an entire team of people who are in charge of bringing out new and exciting products. In the past year or so, we’ve brought out Painted Barnwood which is our best-selling Barnwood Frame painted with 4 wildly popular colors. In addition, we’ve brought out our Canvas Floater frames in three new colors, and modified our Appalachian line…

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Packing Reliability: Frame USA’s Packing Process

When it comes to the picture frame process, we try to put focus on two key areas. Production of the picture frames and the Packing of them. It doesn’t matter how high quality our picture frames are if our packing process is lacking. The packing ensures that our customer’s orders arrive with the same level of quality as when they left our production line. The Process It is for that reason that we have made a critical function to our 2022…

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How To Frame A Cross Stitch Piece

If you’re anything like me you started a new hobby during March 2020 when the United States was shut down. For me, it was Animal Crossing and Sourdough Bread; For many of our customers though, it was cross-stitch. While my sourdough sits in the freezer and my island is covered in weeds, it is evident by the growing number of customers sharing their work with…

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Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – February Charity of The Month

According to John Hopkin’s Medicine, Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA) is a rare inherited degenerative disease. FA primarily damages the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and the cerebellum portion of the brain. The conditions tend to develop in children and teens and gradually worsen over time. It is a recessive genetic disorder, as a result of a defect in a gene called FXN. To clarify, in order to…

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Picture Frame Shipping

At Frame USA, we always strive to be as transparent as possible about our pricing practices.  Whenever possible, we prepare our customers before a price increase happens. Anytime we increase our products, it’s due to increases we received from the vendor. This time is no different. As most of the world has experienced, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in increases across all industries, from labor…

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Best Selling Frames of 2021

Its easy for us to tell you what we think are our best selling frames but what are the actual best selling series? Well we’ve crunched the numbers and have figured out not only the best selling series, but the best selling sizes and colors within those series for the year 2021. These best selling photo frames are sure to continue in popularity as we…

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Framing Tips to Frame Like an Expert

being an eCommerce website the only thing that we’re able to do for those customers unable to bring their pieces directly to our retail store is provide them with framing tips in order to frame their pieces like an expert. We went to the one person who would be able to provide the best framing tips for our customers, our retail store manager, Patrick Espy.…

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