Picture Frame Shipping

At Frame USA, we always strive to be as transparent as possible about our pricing practices.  Whenever possible, we prepare our customers before a price increase happens. Anytime we increase our products, it’s due to increases we received from the vendor. This time is no different.

As most of the world has experienced, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in increases across all industries, from labor to physical goods and now, picture frame shipping.

We have been lucky to not have had a significant shipping price increase in a couple of years.  Due to the fragility and sizes of picture frames we offer, 32 standard PLUS custom sizes, we have created a tiered shipping system. This tiered system is as accurate to the actual costs as possible, and oftentimes, Frame USA even ends up paying additional fees over what the customer is being charged to get the product to you safely and in a timely manner

For example, while Frame USA charges a few dollars per oversized dimensional frames you purchase from us, 50 United Inches or larger, the main freight carriers are charging us $15-25 a package at least.

Due to recent shipping carrier increases, we will be increasing our shipping tiers to cover these costs. So if you have been thinking about making a purchase but have been holding off, this is your time to purchase, before the prices go up! Our current shipping charges can be found on our website

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Brooke Sanders
Brooke Sanders

Frame USA's Brand Manager, Dog Mom, Lover of all things Carbs.

Articles: 101

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