Traditions During The Holidays from Frame USA Employees

Traditions for the Holidays Today is the last full day for Frame USA Employees before the New Year. Frame USA Employees reflect on their favorite traditions during the holidays. Here is what a few of our hardworking employee have to say:   “On Christmas Eve, my middle daughter Emily and I, take our convertible car with our dog cookie. No matter how cold it is we…

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CEO of Frame USA–Favorite Hobby Friday

Get to know the CEO of Frame USA–Favorite Hobby Friday Last week on Favorite Hobby Friday we learned about Posterservice Sales rep David Estep. Today we get a glimpse at the man who started Frame USA and Art & Canvas, Dan Regenold as he speaks about his favorite hobby when he’s not running a successful company!  Since the age of 14 I have been totally addicted to the…

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Upcycled Picture Frames

Everyone knows what picture frames are for—to protect artwork, a precious document, or a family portrait. That’s not the only thing picture frames can be used for. The uses for picture frames are endless! We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite unconventional uses for picture frames that we’ve seen on pinterest, television and even from customers! 1. Apartment Door Decoration using an Upcycled…

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Frame USA Employees—Favorite Hobby Friday

Get to know Frame USA Employees–Favorite Hobby Friday Last week on Favorite Hobby Friday I talked with our favorite monster drawing customer service rep, Kelley Kombrinck. This week I bring you the Favorite Hobby of our Art & Canvas Sales rep, David Estep. David, tell us about your favorite hobby. My favorite hobby is creating art.   Your position here makes a lot of sense knowing…

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Holiday Shipping 2014

Holiday Shipping Schedule for 2014 As Christmas quickly approaches everyone is scrambling to get their gifts ordered and purchased so that they arrive on time. Buying presents online, although convenient, is a risky business to get into for Christmas, you never know if you’re going to get the gifts on time. Frame USA is all about life hacks (in case you don’t already know, check out…

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Standard Photo Sizes for photo frames and fine art — revisited

We are often asked what our most popular standard picture frame sizes are. We thought we would bring it back as we enter into the holiday season as a resource for you as you purchase picture frames. Enjoy! Most popular frame sizes We are often asked what our most popular picture frame sizes are. It is first important for us to clarify how our sizes…

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Frame USA Employees–Favorite Hobby Friday

Get to know Frame USA Employees–Favorite Hobby Friday From what we have heard from our subscribers, last week’s Favorite Hobby Friday was a huge hit! This week we bring you the favorite hobby of one of our customer service representatives, that many of our customers who have purchased picture frames from us may have spoken with, Kelley Kombrinck. I sat down with Kelley to discuss his favorite…

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Fill The Truck–Frame USA’s December Charity of the Month

December Charity of the Month: Fill The Truck In our blog post about Frame USA’s Favorite hobby that we posted yesterday, we mentioned that our favorite hobby is giving back to those in need.  We do this selecting a different charity organization to donate to on our website and retail store every month. If you read that post, this will come as no surprise to…

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Get to Know Frame USA- Favorite Hobby Friday

 Favorite Hobby Friday Last week for Favorite Hobby Friday, our Director of Sales, Chas Hall, was interviewed about his favorite Hobby. Since last Thursday was Thanksgiving, and we were out of the office that Friday, we are bringing you last weeks favorite hobby Friday today! We wanted to take a different spin on it and tell our customers what Frame USA’s favorite hobby is as a company. Frame…

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Get To Know Frame USA Employees– Favorite Hobby Friday

Get to know Frame USA Employees–Favorite Hobby Friday The people who work for Frame USA aren’t just a bunch of drones. We want our customers to know us to be familiar with the people who day in and day out provide you with quality American made picture frames at affordable prices. We thought we would give you an inside look at what our employees do in…

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Retail Custom Framing VS Our Build A Frame Custom Framing Feature

Retail Custom Framing VS Build A Frame Framing is expensive and time consuming, with so many options it’s hard to find the right frame for the photograph or art that you are trying to frame. Having that piece be an odd size will make it even more expensive and time consuming. There are so many online retailers out there that sell ready-made frames, including Frame…

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How To Frame A Poster The Frame USA Way

Tips for framing a poster Posters are a great way to decorate your bedrooms but we often see people struggling to know how to frame posters. We thought we would help everyone out and give you our suggestions on framing posters! Spoiler Alert: We have a sale on poster frames going on right now, coupon code and more information about the sale are at the…

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