National Decorating Month: Useful Tips to Make Decorating Easier

Useful Tips for Decorating

April 2015 — National Decorating Month Almost every month has a whole bunch of really obscure holidays that go unappreciated. The Month of April has April fool’s Day on the 1st but it also has countless other holidays to celebrate daily. Today there is the option of celebrating Rubber Eraser Day or Titanic Remembrance Day. Most of the holidays serve as a silly way to…

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April Charity of the Month: Visionaries & Voices

April Charity of the Month It has been an exciting past couple of weeks here in t the Frame USA offices, what with the basketball championship and a March madness type competition amongst the employees. As the excitement of both settles down we are reminded once again of a core value of Frame USA and Posterservice: Giving back. In 2001, a unique idea was created.…

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Update: The 2015 Frame USA Picture Frame Championship Winner is….     FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL We started this championship with 16 different frame series to figure out which one is considered the Ultimate Picture Frame by our customers. After close games and difficult choices you have chosen the two series that will meet together for the first time to fight to the death to find out which…

Read Picture Frame Championship Final Match Picture Frame Championship: Round 3, Match 1 & 2

Update: The Picture Frame Series That will be playing in the final match…. FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 3, MATCH 1 & 2 Elite 8 went almost as fast as it began, the series that will be playing in the final four have been decided. This Picture Frame Championship started off with 16 different frame series from 4 different categories: Wood, Metal, Poster frame, and Specialty. The final…

Read Picture Frame Championship: Round 3, Match 1 & 2 Picture Frame Championship: Round 2, Match 2

Update: The Picture Frame Series That will be advancing to round 3 is…. FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 2, MATCH 2 The ultimate wood frame has been decided! We move on to match 2 of Round 2 to decide the ultimate metal frame. Glory Metal faces Metal I in this exciting match. Who will move on to the final four and fight for the chance at becoming the…

Read Picture Frame Championship: Round 2, Match 2 Picture Frame Championship: Round 1, Match 8

Update: The Picture Frame Series That will be advancing to round 2 is…. FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 1, MATCH 8 This is it, the final match in Round one of the picture frame championship. 16 teams began, 7 spots have been chosen by loyal fans, one more spot remains. The two frames that will be facing against each other for the final match in round 1 bring…

Read Picture Frame Championship: Round 1, Match 8 Picture Frame Championship: Round 1, Match 6

Update: The Picture Frame Series That will be advancing to round 2 is…. FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 1, MATCH 6 Round 1 of the picture frame championship is almost complete. We enter into the Specialty Frames category today with a match up of two of our popular certificate frames: Deluxe and Economy. Fight for your favorite by casting your vote. Match 6 will expire 3/24/15 at 4:45 PM EST. The ultimate…

Read Picture Frame Championship: Round 1, Match 6 Picture Frame Championship Round 1 Match 4

Update: The Picture Frame Series That will be advancing to round 2 is…. FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 1, MATCH 4 With the start of what will be a great March Madness earlier this week, Its only fitting that is in the midst of an equally great Madness championship of our own. We started with 16 frame series and so far 3 of our series have…

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Match 3

Update: The Picture Frame Series That will be advancing to round 2 is…. FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 1, MATCH 3 The picture frame championship is off to a great start. Our Corporate Narrow Series and our Glory Metal series are moving on to Round Two. Moving on with the next match brings us back to the wood picture frames category. For Match Three, our Architect Series challenges our CBG series to…

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2015 Picture Frame Championship Team Bios

2015 Picture Frame Championship Team Bios We have selected the picture frames that will be competing head to head in the 2015 Picture Frame Championship. It was a tough choice choosing between so many of our favorite frames but for the sake of competition we pushed through. Read through each team bio, peruse each picture frame’s roster and choose which frame you feel…

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Best Friends Animal Society

If this was a TV commercial we would start by showing videos of hurt animals while playing really depressing music, but since this is a blog post so we’re going to give you pictures instead. I bet you are wondering why a Framing Company is giving a bunch of adorable pictures of animals to their blog readers. March Charity of the Month: Best Friends Animal…

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Get to know our Specialty Framing Manager: Favorite Hobby Friday

Frame USA’s Specialty Framing Manager on Favorite Hobby Friday The last time we had favorite hobby Friday we featured our administrative assistant Jill and her awesome guitar making abilities. We’re back again this week for yet another extremely unique hobby. I sat down with the Specialty Framing Manager from our retail store, Jennifer Miller to talk to her about her hobby. Jennifer what is your, What…

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