Glass Alternatives: Prevent the 7 Years of Bad Luck

Prevent the 7 Years of Bad Luck: Frame USA gLAZING OPTIONS No we’re not talking about the glazing on donuts, glazing to the framing industry is just a fancy word for the material that stands between your piece and the outside world. Primarily it is known as glass to the consumers however that is not always the material used. We’ve written previously about the different types of…

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A Concise guide to Frame USA Products

So You Want to Buy Frames: A Concise Guide to Frame USA Products The topic of question that we continually receive an overabundance of was regarding what exactly comes with a Frame USA frame. On our website under every series, we have listed a handy key that tells exactly what comes with our picture frame products. The letters in this key correspond with letters that…

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Frame USA Q & A: Knowledge from an Industry Expert

Frame USA Questions & Answers: Knowledge from an Industry Expert. Recently we asked our customers what questions they had about our products, about our company, and about framing in general. We loved the feedback we have received so far because it allows us to know what our customers are wondering about and gives us a chance to help them out. So over the next few…

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Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day Ideas There is a little over a week left to prepare for Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day sometimes can be difficult especially when it follows relatively close to other gifting holidays. So what else is left to give the people in your life that appear to have everything?! We’ve compiled a couple of ideas to help inspire your inner crafter and create one of…

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Introducing Frame-A-Tee: Frame USA’s T Shirt Frame Product Line.

Frame A-Tee Introduction

The Newest T Shirt Frame Product Line: Frame-A-Tee Throughout a persons lifetime it is inevitable that they will have been given and or purchased a large amount of T-shirts. The T-Shirt hording probably started in high school during pep rally’s and concerts. Continued on after graduation, maybe you went Greek in college and got a new t-shirt every event, or maybe you were an avid sports fan and really represented…

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Get To Know Frame USA Employees—Favorite Hobby Friday

Frame USA’s Administrative Assistant on Favorite Hobby Friday It’s been quite some time since our last Favorite Hobby Friday but we’re back with such a unique hobby that it makes up for missing a couple of Fridays! Today I spoke with our Administrative Assistant Jill Gugel about her favorite hobby, here’s what she had to say: Jill, what is your favorite hobby? My favorite hobby…

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A Day In The Life of A Customer Service Representative

A Day In The life Of A Customer Service Representative as told by a Customer Service Representative Last week I gave my account of a life in the day of a customer service representative at Frame USA. Today I got one of our real life CS Reps to talk about what its really like. The title, “Customer Service Representative” may not sound glamorous. It probably makes…

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A Day In The Life of A Customer Service Rep From an Outsiders Perspective

A Day in the life of a Customer Service Representative from the eyes of an outsider. Like any other company Frame USA Employees go through training when they first get hired. They spend time with their manager and go through what they are supposed to do day in and day out. Frame USA however has a different training process, instead of having a training day…

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Bulk Volume Ordering–Save More when you Spend More

Frame USA Bulk Volume Ordering It’s no secret that we pride ourselves on offering exceptionally priced american made products to our customers. We have frequent sales and offer discounted pricing to our wholesale customers. Something else we offer that people may not know about is Bulk and Volume Pricing for orders. We want to help businesses get the custom frames they need for their hotel, restaurant, corporate office or…

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Frame USA’s Vendor of the Year Award for 2014

As 2014 comes to an end, Frame USA reflects on the past year. The accomplishes that we have made, the setbacks and their solutions we have figured out, on our customers and what they seek from us as a company for the upcoming year and most importantly the people that you rarely hear about, our vendors. Every year Frame USA goes through our vendors and…

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Get to know our SEO Coordinator–Favorite Hobby Friday

Get to know Frame USA Employees–Favorite Hobby Friday Last week on Favorite Hobby Friday Frame USA’s CEO, Daniel Regenold told everyone about his love for Tennis. This week I thought I would introduce myself and tell everyone about my favorite Hobby. My name is Brooke Skyllingstad and I’m the voice behind the recent blog, and social media posts for Frame USA. I started this position at…

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