Beautiful Barnwood Picture Frames!

Sleek and modern styling for decor has been in fashion for a while now, but recently a return to a more rustic approach has been gaining popularity. A lot of people are finding that the homespun, outdoorsy look helps them relax better after they’ve spent a long day at an office where the surroundings are all straight lines and neutral…

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Summer Vacation Means Photos!

The phrase, “Summer Vacation” packs a wallop of images, emotions and memories. You can almost smell the hot dogs cooking on the grill; hear the sound of a baseball hitting a bat and the roar of a crowd at the ballpark. You think back to running through the sprinkler on the lawn to cool off. You remember sticky ice cream melting…

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How to Decorate your Apartment Without Nails or Screws.

There are so many sites and blogs out there dedicated to helping you decorate your first apartment or house. In fact when you do a quick google search for Decorating your first apartment  you will get about 23,400,000 results to sift through. After going through the first page of results I had an overwhelming realization that not many of those 23,400,000 results…

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Wedding Season is upon us!—Wedding Ideas with Picture Frames

Using Picture Frames on Your Wedding Day The start of summer/end of spring marks the beginning of wedding season. There is just something about the return of beautiful flowers and plants that makes tying the knot so appealing. Weddings are a blast, who doesn’t love a night to spend with loved ones eating delicious food and dancing the night away. When…

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Cleaning for Spring with Ease!

Spring Cleaning Tips

April showers and flowers starting to bloom are signs that spring is here. With spring comes spring cleaning. Regardless, if you find spring cleaning enjoyable or don’t look forward to it at all, here are a few easy spring cleaning tips and tricks to ease the hassle. Create spring cleaning goals and a timeline Figure out what you want to…

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National Decorating Month: Useful Tips to Make Decorating Easier

Useful Tips for Decorating

April 2015 — National Decorating Month Almost every month has a whole bunch of really obscure holidays that go unappreciated. The Month of April has April fool’s Day on the 1st but it also has countless other holidays to celebrate daily. Today there is the option of celebrating Rubber Eraser Day or Titanic Remembrance Day. Most of the holidays serve…

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Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day Ideas There is a little over a week left to prepare for Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day sometimes can be difficult especially when it follows relatively close to other gifting holidays. So what else is left to give the people in your life that appear to have everything?! We’ve compiled a couple of ideas to help inspire your inner…

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Introducing Frame-A-Tee: Frame USA’s T Shirt Frame Product Line.

Frame A-Tee Introduction

The Newest T Shirt Frame Product Line: Frame-A-Tee Throughout a persons lifetime it is inevitable that they will have been given and or purchased a large amount of T-shirts. The T-Shirt hording probably started in high school during pep rally’s and concerts. Continued on after graduation, maybe you went Greek in college and got a new t-shirt every event, or maybe you were an avid…

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Upcycled Picture Frames

Everyone knows what picture frames are for—to protect artwork, a precious document, or a family portrait. That’s not the only thing picture frames can be used for. The uses for picture frames are endless! We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite unconventional uses for picture frames that we’ve seen on pinterest, television and even from customers! 1. Apartment…

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