Picture Frame Quality

Picture Frame Quality

As we peruse the World Wide Web and dig around looking for references to Frame USA and picture frames, we have seen many questions and comments about the quality of picture frames from various manufacturers across the net. We’ll say it again and again, and then one more time.. We are dedicated to creating raving fans of our frame products and our customer service. Read…

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Framerica visits Frame USA – Wholesale Manufacturers

Picture Frame Manufacturers

Our vendors, like us, are committed to American-made products. Maybe that’s why we work so well together! Creating jobs in the United States isn’t the only reason we strive to be a great company, but it is a focus. We do this by partnering with other American made manufacturers like Framerica, who source their materials from the states (and always employ eco-friendly standards where they…

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Latest Customer Testimonials – Raving Fans of Frame USA

Picture Frame Reviews

The following testimonials are from some of our online frame customers. Frame USA has made a commitment to creating raving fans which you can see with our customer testimonials. If you have a story or review of our services or frames, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us today. Thank you very much for the phone call, emails and FedEx tracking you sent me. I received…

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Top 5 Framing Questions

Our new website has been live for about 2 months now, and the response has been favorable to say the least! We’ve had less complications with our customers because of this positive change, but also some new questions that we were not used to receiving with our old picture frame website. We decided to take those framing questions and blog about them here, in an…

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Our New Site and Our Charity of the Month Program

Frameusa.com has gone through some changes lately, and they are all for the better! Our new website is now live. Hopefully, you have had the opportunity to shop on our site!  What is really incredible is the new feature for our monthly charity.  With the new site, we are still holding true to our pledge to donate $1 for every order received from Frameusa.com.  On…

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Making A Frame Collage

Sometimes your regular, run-of-the-mill frame simply won’t get the job done. While a frame can truly go a long way and be sized to anyone’s palette, the standard is that one frame will support one image. This can be limiting if you have several pictures and only a limited amount of space, or you  have a vast amount of pictures and want to display them…

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“The Bachelor” Uses Frame USA Glory Metal Frames

Frame USA Picture Frames Used On The Bachelor

Stars from “The Bachelor” recently entered a competition to break the world record for “The World’s longest on-screen kiss.” Fortunately for contestants Sean Lowe and Lesley Murphy, they were able to last  three minutes and 22 seconds – a whole seven seconds longer than the previous record. This scored them both an unforgettable memory and their very own framed award from the Guinness book of World Records.…

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Need Frames Fast? Check Out Fast Ship Picture Frames

Frame Closeouts

Our Fast Ship program is designed to get our customers their frames in 24 hours.  We build and stock our most popular wood, metal, poly, poster, shadow box, and barnwood frames.  Along with our Fast Ship program, we offer discounted Overstock picture frames marked down to low – below wholesale – closeout prices.  We currently have available thousands of discounted wood, metal, polystyrene and posterframe…

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About Frame USA’s Charity Initiative


Around 5 years ago, Frame USA started its monthly charity initiative program.  This program was started to help support local and national charities with monetary donations, volunteerism and other resources they may need.  Every month, our internet site donates $1 for every picture frame order placed on Frameusa.com and $1 for every custom framing order that our retail store takes.  We also give our customers,…

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Winter Aid Silent Auction And Open House

Winter Aid - Silent Auction and Frame USA Open House

Frame USA will be sponsoring Winter Aid, a Silent and Live Charity Auction to benefit the Healing Center of Cincinnati on December 7, 2012. Thousands of people in the Greater Cincinnati area are struggling due to the current economy. Here is your chance to help out by attending our first Fill the Truck Winter Silent Auction and Open House. Everything we receive directly benefits The Healing…

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