Pop Culture

The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

“The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s (AFA) mission is to provide optimal care and services to individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses and to their families and caregivers. AFA was founded in 2002 by Bert E. Brodsky, whose mother lived with Alzheimer’s disease from 1980-1992. At that time, there was little information available and nowhere to turn for support.…

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Artist Spotlight: Dean Russo

Art & Canvas is very proud to be working with Brooklyn-based Pop artist Dean Russo. Dean celebrates his love of animals through this extensive collection of poster canvases. With vibrant colors and characteristic aplomb, Russo’s deep affection for the animal world resonates through his work. The graffiti-laden streets of Russo’s Brooklyn upbringing inspired him to create a truly idiosyncratic approach…

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Frame USA’s 2017 Holiday Party

On Friday, December 22nd Frame USA hosted our annual Holiday party to celebrate the hard work every member of the team contributed in 2017! The party was held in the infamous Empower U room which was decked out for the holiday festivities. In addition to the wonderful decorations, the Empower U room was filled with a delicious assortment of food…

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Fill The Truck

Fill The Truck

“In December of 2010, Dan Regenold, CEO of Frame USA, had a vision; to fill an entire 53′ foot semi-truck for a local charity. He knew this would be his biggest charitable giving project and he would need a team to assist him. He put together a team of giving coordinators consisting of: packers, donation collectors, marketing professionals and more, to…

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Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Vince Lombardi said, “Individual commitment to a group effort: that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work and a civilization work.” His words have great meaning and hold very true in almost any aspect of work and life. If you have a group of people working individually, not communicating, but working towards accomplishing the same…

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Presence, Sales, Marketing & People

“Fantastic actually, thanks for asking…How’s your week coming along?” “I’m doing well & how about yourself?” “Just trying to keep it together, and you?”   Delivery. Delivery. Delivery.   The foundation for any agreement, albeit personal or business, is rooted in the relationship.  Successful relationships are built with good communication, lots of understanding and no false pretenses.  Therefore, being in…

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Frame USA’s Annual Halloween Party

On Tuesday, October 31st Frame USA once again hosted it’s annual Halloween party! The party features festive food, snacks and drinks and there is a pumpkin decorating (we’ll call it decorating instead of carving because some pumpkins were painted) contest as well as a costume contest. The origins of carving pumpkins at Halloween began in Ireland in the 19th century. Originally…

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St Jude Children’s Research Hospital

“St Jude Children’s Research Hospital was founded in 1962. St. Jude’s is a pediatric treatment and research facility that is focused on children’s catastrophic diseases. The hospital costs around $2.4 million a day to run and there is no cost to be treated.  Since St Jude was established, the survival rate for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which is the most common type of…

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National Food Day

October 24th, 2017 is National Food Day in the USA. This day is all about showcasing healthy food and encouraging people to change their diets for the better. The whole idea is to help people Eat Real, which means limiting the amount of pop and sugary drinks, extremely salted foods, factory farmed meats and other unhealthy items and increasing the intake…

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