All Things Frame USA

Comic Books Conquer TV

It would be an understatement to say that comic book adaptations have overtaken television. One web article lists 42(!) announced series based on comics of all genres. Superheroes, horror, sci-fi and some plain old comedy (a series based on Archie Comics called “Riverdale” is being prepped by Warner Brothers Television). Due to the episodic nature of both mediums, these stories  seem…

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How Frame USA Employees Celebrate Fourth of July

In case you didn’t know, we’re pretty big fans of America. We’re an American made company that manufacturers high quality picture frames. All of our picture frames are manufactured in Cincinnati, Ohio. Birthday celebrations are something that almost everyone enjoys but when it comes to the birth of this great Nation, the celebrations across the country get pretty crazy: parades,…

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July Charity of the Month: Valley Interfaith’s Peanut Butter Program

The Peanut Butter Program

Almost everyone knows the feeling of skipping a meal. At first you may not notice it but the second your stomach growls almost assault the person next to you, you become aware. For most, this feeling isn’t a regular feeling but rather a rather unfortunate side effect of being too busy. For some, however this feeling is one that they…

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Walk-through The Walking Dead

The Walking dead

We first mentioned The Walking Dead fandom in a post earlier this week, but Frame USA and especially Art & Canvas have been fans of the series since the beginning. The Walking Dead Background So, what is The Walking Dead? This fandom first started out  from a comic book written by Robert Kirkman and illustrated by Tony Moore back in 2003.…

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Calling all Fandoms—We’ve got something for you!

If there is a TV show or movie that you’re absolutely obsessed with and find yourself talking about it every second you get, you’re not alone. In fact in the entire world there are people equally obsessed with that same show and annoying their family and friends with constant references that they know nothing about(…yet). For those unaware that they’ve been…

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Revamped View on Gold Picture Frames

Your thoughts about Gold Picture Frames are dependent on your generation. The younger generation, those of you that are early 20’s to mid 30’s, grew up seeing gold wall picture frames in our grandparents’ houses and churches and thus have labeled them as ‘outdated’ or ‘ostentatious’. As the time comes for this generation to begin decorating their own homes they…

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