We first mentioned The Walking Dead fandom in a post earlier this week, but Frame USA and especially Art & Canvas have been fans of the series since the beginning.
The Walking Dead Background
So, what is The Walking Dead? This fandom first started out from a comic book written by Robert Kirkman and illustrated by Tony Moore back in 2003. The comic book chronicles the travels of a character named Rick Grimes, his family and other survivors of a zombie apocalypse. 7 Years later, that very comic book was used as the beginning of one of the biggest television series to date called none other than, The Walking Dead. As many TV shows and movies that are based on books go, the show followed the comic books pretty closely for the first season. As the characters developed in the series the TV Show strayed away from the comic books to form its own story line. Around that same time Telltale Games developed a video game series loosely based on the comic book. These three forms of media were the beginning, but definitely not the end, of The Walking Dead Franchise.
The TV show is currently filming their sixth season. The TV channel behind the series, AMC, just released a behind the scenes look at that upcoming season. To get all the fans ready for it we wanted to share all of The Walking Dead posters that we have available.