Made in America Picture Frame Championship: Round 1, Match 8

Update: The Picture Frame Series That will be advancing to round 2 is…. FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 1, MATCH 8 This is it, the final match in Round one of the picture frame championship. 16 teams began, 7 spots have been chosen by loyal fans, one more spot remains. The two frames that will be facing against each other for the final…

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Introducing Frame-A-Tee: Frame USA’s T Shirt Frame Product Line.

Frame A-Tee Introduction

The Newest T Shirt Frame Product Line: Frame-A-Tee Throughout a persons lifetime it is inevitable that they will have been given and or purchased a large amount of T-shirts. The T-Shirt hording probably started in high school during pep rally’s and concerts. Continued on after graduation, maybe you went Greek in college and got a new t-shirt every event, or maybe you were an avid…

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Bulk Volume Ordering–Save More when you Spend More

Frame USA Bulk Volume Ordering It’s no secret that we pride ourselves on offering exceptionally priced american made products to our customers. We have frequent sales and offer discounted pricing to our wholesale customers. Something else we offer that people may not know about is Bulk and Volume Pricing for orders. We want to help businesses get the custom frames they need for…

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Upcycled Picture Frames

Everyone knows what picture frames are for—to protect artwork, a precious document, or a family portrait. That’s not the only thing picture frames can be used for. The uses for picture frames are endless! We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite unconventional uses for picture frames that we’ve seen on pinterest, television and even from customers! 1. Apartment…

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Posterservice “Beer” Poster on A&E’s “Brandi and Jarrod: Married to the Job”!

We had the privelege to show off our very own “Beer” poster on A&E’s Brandi and Jarrod: Married to the Job! For those who have never seen the show, the couple Brandi and Jarrod are originally from the show Storage Wars on A&E. This couple’s constant tension and interesting dynamic has created an interest in the couple’s day to day…

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Frame USA Retail Store’s Annual Tent Sale Returns!

Starting August 1st, tent sale shoppers can save 25%-50% off all picture frames and posters under the tent! For Cincinnati locals, you’ll be happy to know that it’s that time again! Frame USA is having its annual tent sale. Our early August tent sale has always been about saving hundreds in art, wall decor and framing. Join us as our progressive approach to savings…

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