For most people the idea of walking 60 miles is just not a choice we would want to make. Unless of course it’s doing something fun like amusement parks or visiting a foreign country. That isn’t the case for our CEO, Kelly Ackerman. She has CHOSEN to participate in something much bigger than herself. Later this month Kelly will be participating in the Susan G Komen 3-Day. It will not be her first or even her second time participating in the walk but rather her third time. This 3-Day walk consists fundraising a minimum of $2,300 with the end reward being a 3-Day 60 mile walk. For the month of October we have chosen this walk to not only support our CEO but the millions of women AND men fighting breast cancer.

About Susan G Komen 3-Day
The 3-Day breast cancer fundraising walk first started in 2003. The walk consists of participants walking up to 60 miles over the course of three days. The participants must raise a minimum of $2,300. Since the inception more than $889 million to save lives, support community programs, increase access to care, and make huge strides in breast cancer research, therapies and cures.

This will be Kelly’s third time participating in the 3-day walk. While the past two walks were moving enough this particular walk is extra special. Later this month, Kelly will be walking her 60 miles in memory of her Best Friend’s mom who unfortunately lost her battle to cancer earlier this year.
In support of our CEO we have chosen Susan G Komen 3-Day as our charity of the month for October. $0.75 from every purchase made on throughout the month of October will be a step alongside Kelly as she walks for a cure.