FillTheTruck.Org, A Charity Initiative Close To Home.

Every month we choose a different charity organization for our retail store and online website to host. Proceeds from all the orders placed on get donated at the end of the month. As Covid-19 continued to be a raging influence in everyone’s lives we were concerned for our annual charity initiative in December.

Ever since was started back in 2010 by Frame USA’s CEO, it has continued every year and gotten bigger and bigger. Volunteers from local schools came in and helped us pack, and Businesses across the United States signed on to sponsor year after year.

Enter in 2020. We had to make changes to obviously keep our employees safe so we were forced to forgo the usual volunteers. Everyone was urged to make monetary donations as opposed to physical ones via our Retail Store and the brand new We let the six charities involved know that at the end of the month of December we would not be delivering as many physical goods as we normally do, instead opting for checks and lists of what individuals donated online. They could then decide how to use the donations accordingly. Everyone involved was nervous about the changes worried that the legacy of donations year after year would be yet another thing that Covid has taken from us.

We were wrong.

11th Annual #CovidEdition Reality

Every day, we had more and more online donations placed. We had filled an entire truck by the end of the 2nd week of December. That’s 25,000 donations. We were incredibly grateful for the generousisty of our donators.

While we didn’t reach that two full truck goal, we got pretty darn close. We started out this initiative thinking we wouldn’t even fill one truck; we’re considering the 11th annual #CovidEdition a success. On Christmas Eve we were able to deliver checks to all four charities and had counted over 42,000 items. This is unbelievable considering all that has happened in the past year.

Frame USA, President, Kelly Ackerman Delivers check to Susan Wyder at The Princeton Closet is still live and donations are still able to be made. Donations placed throughout 2021, will put us one step closer to making the 12th annual, The Best Year Yet.

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Brooke Sanders
Brooke Sanders

Frame USA's Brand Manager, Dog Mom, Lover of all things Carbs.

Articles: 101

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