Pop Culture

Frameusa.com Picture Frame Championship Round 1 Match 3

Match 3

Update: The Picture Frame Series That will be advancing to round 2 is…. FRAMEUSA.COM PICTURE FRAME CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 1, MATCH 3 The picture frame championship is off to a great start. Our Corporate Narrow Series and our Glory Metal series are moving on to Round Two. Moving on with the next match brings us back to the wood picture frames category. For Match Three, our…

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2015 Frameusa.com Picture Frame Championship Team Bios

2015 Frameusa.com Picture Frame Championship Team Bios We have selected the picture frames that will be competing head to head in the 2015 FrameUSA.com Picture Frame Championship. It was a tough choice choosing between so many of our favorite frames but for the sake of competition we pushed through. Read through each team bio, peruse each picture frame’s roster and…

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Best Friends Animal Society

If this was a TV commercial we would start by showing videos of hurt animals while playing really depressing music, but since this is a blog post so we’re going to give you pictures instead. I bet you are wondering why a Framing Company is giving a bunch of adorable pictures of animals to their blog readers. March Charity of…

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Get to know our Specialty Framing Manager: Favorite Hobby Friday

Frame USA’s Specialty Framing Manager on Favorite Hobby Friday The last time we had favorite hobby Friday we featured our administrative assistant Jill and her awesome guitar making abilities. We’re back again this week for yet another extremely unique hobby. I sat down with the Specialty Framing Manager from our retail store, Jennifer Miller to talk to her about her hobby.…

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Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day Ideas There is a little over a week left to prepare for Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day sometimes can be difficult especially when it follows relatively close to other gifting holidays. So what else is left to give the people in your life that appear to have everything?! We’ve compiled a couple of ideas to help inspire your inner…

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Charity of the Month for February

Our Charity for the Month of February It is hard to talk about something so serious when all your brain really wants to think about right now are Katy Perry’s Sharks. Sometimes, however, for the greater good of the world you have to talk about the difficult things. If you are lucky you have never and will never have to…

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Introducing Frame-A-Tee: Frame USA’s T Shirt Frame Product Line.

Frame A-Tee Introduction

The Newest T Shirt Frame Product Line: Frame-A-Tee Throughout a persons lifetime it is inevitable that they will have been given and or purchased a large amount of T-shirts. The T-Shirt hording probably started in high school during pep rally’s and concerts. Continued on after graduation, maybe you went Greek in college and got a new t-shirt every event, or maybe you were an avid…

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A Day In The Life of A Customer Service Rep From an Outsiders Perspective

A Day in the life of a Customer Service Representative from the eyes of an outsider. Like any other company Frame USA Employees go through training when they first get hired. They spend time with their manager and go through what they are supposed to do day in and day out. Frame USA however has a different training process, instead…

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