That’s right, we said chimpanzee art – The Humane Society of the United States has just announced the winners of their Humane Society Chimpanzee Art Contest. That’s right, we said chimpanzee art – The Humane Society of the United States has just announced the winners of their Chimpanzee Art Contest. With more than 27, 000 votes, the art contest has helped create awareness for chimps and the Humane Society offered various grants to the winners and their resident sanctuaries.
The artworks were voted on by visitors to the Humane Society’s website and Dr. Jane Goodall, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN messenger of Peace also judged and selected her favorite for an additional $5000 grant to go to the winning shelter.
And The Winners Are
Brent – Chimp Haven (Keithville, LA)
Winner of 1st place public vote: $10,000 grant!
Brent is 37 years old and has lived at Chimp Haven since 2006. He is protective of Grandma, Chimp Haven’s oldest resident. He loves to laugh and play. Brent paints only with his tongue. His unique approach and style, while a little unorthodox, results in beautiful pieces of art.

Winner of judged prize (Dr. Jane Goodall’s selection): $5,000 grant!The Artist formerly known as Cheetah: Cheetah, estimated to be born in the 1970’s, lived alone in a laboratory for 19 years and endured over 400 over biopsies. He was rescued by Save the Chimps in 2002 and has since discovered his passion for painting.

If you would like more information about the contest, or if you would like to read more about the Humane Society — Please visit:
The Humane Society of the United States has been the focus of our Charity of the Month on more than one occasion.
Top 5 Chimpanzee Paintings
Below you can find larger images of the top 5 chimpanzee paintings, voted on by Humane Society web visitors and selected by Jane Goodall:
#1 Brent – Chimp Haven (Keithville, LA)
#2 Cheetah – Save the Chimps (Ft. Pierce, FL) – Dr. Jane Goodall’s Selection
#3 Ripley – Center for Great Apes (Wauchula, FL)
#4 Jamie – Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest (Cle Elum, WA)
#5 Jenny – Primate Rescue Center (Nicholasville, KY)
Don’t Forget The Frames
The only way that we can think of to improve these wonderful works, is to add a nice frame that encloses the paintings and adds a nice clean separation from the wall and other art. Don’t forget, Frame USA manufactures a wide variety of wood and metal frames that are perfect for just about any work of art, be it painting or photography.