Differences between Poster Frames and Picture Frames

A common misconception in the world of framing is that pieces of art can ONLY be framed with specific types of frames. Apart from 3D materials like canvases or artifacts, that is simply not true. There is no set rule that says a poster MUST be framed exclusively in a frame categorized as a “poster frame”. We’re here to shed light on the key differences between standard picture frames and standard poster frames.

Understanding Poster Frames: What Sets Them Apart

The main difference between Poster Frames and Picture Frames is typically the material. When it comes to the framing world, standard picture frames are often made of some type of wood or metal. Poster Frames on the other hand are typically made of durable plastic. In our case our three styles of poster frames are all made of a hard plastic called Polystyrene.

The reason the material is so important is that historically posters are typically purchased by college kids or young adults. A standard poster is typically 24×36 thus would require a 24×36 large frame. College age kids and young adults are typically not able to spend a large amount of money to frame their posters. They also are typically renting property either in a college dorm or in their first apartment. When you are renting, and especially when you are in a dorm room, poking holes in the walls is prohibited. The durable hard plastic makes the frames incredibly light, so light you’re able to use temporary hanging solutions that do not require damaging your walls. Plastic also tends to be much cheaper than wood or metal therefore making the poster frames inexpensive to purchase.

Simply Poly Poster Frames in Black

What Makes Frame USA’s Poster Frames Different

We understand that in today’s economy, framing is typically considered a luxury. Frame USA also knows creating a space that is unique to you and feels like home can be so important to one’s mental health. We pride ourselves on offering a wide range of frames at different price points so that no matter if your budget is $25 or $2500, there is a frame for you.

Poster Frames are no longer simply just for posters. Frame USA offers three stylish options that qualify as Poster Frames. Each of our poster frames are backloading, just like a typical wood or metal frame. Not only are they backloading but the moulding looks as though it is a standard wood frame. “If you’re looking for something thin, our Deluxe poster frame is your best option. Looking for a beveled edge, check out our Budget Saver series. Are you simply want a traditional looking frame that won’t break your bank, Simply Poly is the frame for you. We can produce all three in standard and custom sizes, with the option to include mats if desired.

Choosing the Right Frame: When to Use a Poster Frame

If you’ve made it this far you must really be considering purchasing a poster frame but still aren’t convinced when you should use one. We’ve highlighted the differences between poster frames and picture frames. We’ve explained what makes our poster frames different from other companies. Now we’re here to tell you when you should use a poster frame.

You should purchase one of Frame USA’s poster frames if it’s the frame that you like! At the end of the day, framing is a personal choice and all we can do is provide you with information to make the best possible choice. The truth of the matter is, a Poster Frame IS a picture frame. Poster Frames are just picture frames made of a different material, just like a metal frame is a picture frame made of metal and a wood frame is a picture frame made of wood. You can frame your poster in a poster frame, but you can also frame your poster in a wood or metal frame if that is the look that you are going for. Whichever material you decide best suits your project or your framing needs is the one you should purchase from FrameUSA.com

No Differences between Poster Frames hanging on wall and Picture Frames
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Brooke Sanders
Brooke Sanders

Frame USA's Brand Manager, Dog Mom, Lover of all things Carbs.

Articles: 106

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