Just over two weeks ago, an empty 53-foot semi-truck pulled into the Frame USA parking lot. Since then, we have started our 14th year of our challenge to “Fill the Truck”. The initiative collects donations for seven local charities.
The initiative was first dreamed up in December of 2010 by Frame USA owner Dan Regenold. His idea has become our biggest charitable project every year. It has grown exponentially in donations and charities served since the date of its inception. Our 2023 collection period began on November 27th. The truck is at an impressive 31% full thanks to our incredible sponsors and generous members of the community.

What was once a small (but mighty) project happening in our front yard has become more impactful than ever imagined. A year after its beginning, Fill the Truck expanded to partner with nine businesses and a total of eight trucks throughout the greater Cincinnati, northern Kentucky, and southern Dayton area. This year, Frame USA has partnered with 12 local businesses and corporate partners to donate to seven charities.
Get Involved
Help us Fill the Truck! It takes just a moment to browse donatable items, such as toilet paper, personal care items, winter clothing, and bedding. Even a few dollars can have a profound impact for those who are in need during this holiday season. To learn more about Fill the Truck or start donating, visit FilltheTruck.org. When shopping https://frameusa.com/ during the month of December, proceeds from your order will go directly to Fill the Truck.