Glioblastoma Foundation – June 2022 Charity of The Month

Finding out that your loved one has cancer is incredibly hard. However thanks to the many foundations and charity organizations out there, research has changed the game in cancer diagnosis and many have a strong fighting chance of beating it. However, finding out that your loved one’s cancer has shortened their life down to the next 15 months, even with treatment? it’s devastating. This is the reality for individuals who have known someone to be diagnosed with Glioblastoma. The Glioblastoma Foundation is out to change this.

Glioblastoma Foundation Logo

About Glioblastoma

According to The American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Glioblastoma (GBM) is a fast-growing aggressive brain tumor. It invades the nearby brain tissue. It is the most common malignant brain and other central nervous system tumors’, accounting for 47.7% of all cases.

GBM requires a targeted approach to therapy. Currently, the only treatment that is out there for GBM is radiation and chemotherapy. Both, greatly reduce the quality of life, so much so that some patients opt-out. Consequently, this gives them a mere 3-6 more months to live.

Glioblastoma Foundation

The mission of The Glioblastoma Foundation is to modify the current standard of care for glioblastoma by replacing radiation and chemotherapy with targeted small molecule therapies that prolong survival and increase the quality of life.

Through their research, they have found that more than likely, no one therapy will be enough to beat glioblastoma. This cancer will require multiple drugs to block the many molecular signaling pathways present. Thus, disabling the cellular machinery that allows tumors to recur.

The Glioblastoma Foundation’s vision is to transform GBM from a death sentence to a manageable chronic condition.

Current Research

Currently, The Glioblastoma Foundation is in the midst of researching four key areas: Preclinical Models, Repurposing Existing Therapies, Ultrasound Therapy, and Early Detection. To learn more about the research they are conducting, or to get involved, visit:

Frame USA is here to help further this research and stand beside the foundation’s vision. For the entire June 2022 charity month, proceeds from every online order will go towards The Glioblastoma Foundation. If you would like to contribute even more to the cause, you can do so during checkout.

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Brooke Sanders
Brooke Sanders

Frame USA's Brand Manager, Dog Mom, Lover of all things Carbs.

Articles: 101

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