Everything Happens for a Reason

Everything in life happens for a reason. It was a sad day when I learned that I wouldn’t be able to attend college and use my scholarship at Miami University. I had worked so hard to finally get to this point and within a 30 minute phone call with my student loan lenders everything came crashing down. I was lost. I had no idea of what my future would now consist of. I took a few days to think about my options. I knew that within a few months my previous loans would kick back in and that I would have to figure out a way to pay them. I realized that the part-time position that I was working wasn’t going to cut it anymore. I was unhappy with the idea of not returning to school and having to go back to work full-time.


A few weeks went by and I had applied to several jobs I began getting call backs for interviews. I knew that I was great in sales, but I didn’t know in which direction I wanted to go with this skill. I interview with 3 different companies and turned down each offer. I didn’t feel any connection or even a spark when I was interviewing with these different companies. I took a day off from my current job to focus on finding the ‘perfect’ job. That job that would be a career, one that I would be excited to get up every morning to go to. I applied for an In-House Sales Rep position at Frame USA. As I always do; I did some research on the company, read reviews from previous employees and customers, and dug as deep as I could to find out exactly the type of culture I would be walking into.

Upon completing my interview I knew without a doubt that Frame USA was the company for me. The friendly atmosphere, the obvious team work, and positivity was undeniable. As I drove home form the interview I was excited, yet nervous. I knew that I wanted to work there but I didn’t know how well I performed in my interviews. Just a few days later I was called back for a final interview. I was still unsure, but my mind was made, Frame USA is where I belong. The next day I got the call. I was being hired on as an In-House Sales Rep. I was so excited to start this new adventure!


The biggest thing I learned from all of this is that just because one door closes, doesn’t mean that your dreams have to end. The sadness that I had from not being able to attend Miami has since vanished as this new opportunity has blossomed. It’s only day two, but I feel like this is the start of something great!

~ Barton Eberenz

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Frame USA
Frame USA

Offering picture frames, posters, art and more for over 30 years! www.frameusa.com has a great selection, low prices, fast delivery and friendly staff.

At Frame USA, we champion our craft. We make all of our art, frames, and more inside our warehouse. All wood frames produced from Frame USA are 100% made in America! We take great pride with that because not only are we able to produce everything in house, we are still able to offer highly competitive prices.

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