
Charity of the Month for February

Our Charity for the Month of February It is hard to talk about something so serious when all your brain really wants to think about right now are Katy Perry’s Sharks. Sometimes, however, for the greater good of the world you have to talk about the difficult things. If you are lucky you have never and will never have to…

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Introducing Frame-A-Tee: Frame USA’s T Shirt Frame Product Line.

Frame A-Tee Introduction

The Newest T Shirt Frame Product Line: Frame-A-Tee Throughout a persons lifetime it is inevitable that they will have been given and or purchased a large amount of T-shirts. The T-Shirt hording probably started in high school during pep rally’s and concerts. Continued on after graduation, maybe you went Greek in college and got a new t-shirt every event, or maybe you were an avid…

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A Day In The Life of A Customer Service Rep From an Outsiders Perspective

A Day in the life of a Customer Service Representative from the eyes of an outsider. Like any other company Frame USA Employees go through training when they first get hired. They spend time with their manager and go through what they are supposed to do day in and day out. Frame USA however has a different training process, instead…

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Bulk Volume Ordering–Save More when you Spend More

Frame USA Bulk Volume Ordering It’s no secret that we pride ourselves on offering exceptionally priced american made products to our customers. We have frequent sales and offer discounted pricing to our wholesale customers. Something else we offer that people may not know about is Bulk and Volume Pricing for orders. We want to help businesses get the custom frames they need for…

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Get to know our SEO Coordinator–Favorite Hobby Friday

Get to know Frame USA Employees–Favorite Hobby Friday Last week on Favorite Hobby Friday Frame USA’s CEO, Daniel Regenold told everyone about his love for Tennis. This week I thought I would introduce myself and tell everyone about my favorite Hobby. My name is Brooke Skyllingstad and I’m the voice behind the recent blog, and social media posts for Frame USA.…

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Holiday Shipping 2014

Holiday Shipping Schedule for 2014 As Christmas quickly approaches everyone is scrambling to get their gifts ordered and purchased so that they arrive on time. Buying presents online, although convenient, is a risky business to get into for Christmas, you never know if you’re going to get the gifts on time. Frame USA is all about life hacks (in case you…

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Frame USA Celebrates Halloween

Halloween at Frame USA Celebrate Halloween together with us! Frame USA loves to have fun, we host several events for our employees however we rarely share them with our customers. Since today is all about being someone you’re not we thought we would let our customers in on the fun! Today’s festivities included: a pumpkin decorating/carving contest, a costume contest,…

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