Autistic Self Advocacy Network – November Charity of The Month

Who better than to be a voice of a group of people than people part of that group. Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) knows that and is made up of Autistic people standing up for other Autistic people. In case you are not familiar with Autism, it is a developmental disability that affects how individuals experience the world.

Autism isn’t something you can “cure” because it isn’t a disease. In other words, Autistic people are born autistic and will always be autistic. There isn’t a single way to be autistic, but there is one truth that remains clear in the world, Autistic people deserve understanding AND acceptance.

ASAN is out there making sure that happens and we’re here to help them out by selecting them as our November Charity of the Month.

History of Autistic Self Advocacy Network

Autistic Self Advocacy Network was developed as part of the visibility rights movement of the 1990s. In 2006, Autistic Self Advocacy Network was born. The lack of representation of autistic voices in the national dialogue on autism was the reason for its creation.

Autistic adults, unhappy with the public dialogue on autism, started ASAN. There is a large group of individuals who believe that there is a “cure” for autism out there. Empowerment and support are what the autism world deserves according to ASAN founders.

Today, ASAN’s activities are broad including both advocacies as well as programs that focus on helping support autistic people and educating the public on the autism spectrum. ASAN also plays a critical role in the broader disability rights movement. ASAN plays a critical role in policy work for broad developmental disabilities.

About Autism

Every autistic person experiences autism differently but there are 6 things that many autistic people have in common:

We think differently. 

We process our senses differently. 

We move differently. 

We communicate differently. 

We socialize differently. 

We might need help with daily living.

Autism Self Advocacy Network

Autism affects how people think, how they communicate, and how they interact with the world. In other words, Autistic minds are different than non-autistic minds, and that is okay. In Conclusion, ASAN is advocating for a world where all autistic people have equal access, rights, and opportunities. Therefore we’re here to help them get a little bit closer to their goal. Throughout the month of November, Frame USA will be donating $0.75 from every framing order to Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Meanwhile, if you are interested in helping even more with ASAN’s mission, feel free to donate additional funds at checkout

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Brooke Sanders
Brooke Sanders

Frame USA's Brand Manager, Dog Mom, Lover of all things Carbs.

Articles: 101

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