We have chosen two different charities for this year’s April charity month: Pockets Full of Sunshine and Animal Welfare Institute.
For the past couple of years, Pockets Full of Sunshine has been our charity of choice around the spring months. In addition to continuing the long-standing support, We also wanted to extend our charitable giving to a new organization, Animal Welfare Institute. Therefore, This particular post will be all about the newbie.
To read more Pockets Full of Sunshine check out our past blog posts. In addition to our blog post be sure to check them out at http://www.pocketsfullofsun.org/ .
Now on to the cute animals….
About Animal Welfare Institute
It all started in 1951. Christine Stevens sought to end the cruel treatment of animals in experimental laboratories. Her passion and love for animals Consequently, extended her work to take on other animal welfare causes. Christine dedicated her life to reducing animal suffering both here and abroad for over half a century. She has long been called the “Mother of the Animal Protection Movement”. In addition, Dr. Jane Goodall even attributed the well-being of millions of animals to Christine’s quiet and very effective advocacy.

Throughout their existence, they have worked with policymakers, scientists, industry executives, and the public to alleviate the suffering inflicted on animals by humans.
Mission of Animal Welfare Institute
AWI seeks the following:
Abolish factory farms, support high-welfare family farms, and achieve humane slaughter for animals raised for food;
Improve the housing and handling of animals in research, and encourage the development and implementation of alternatives to experimentation on live animals;
End the use of steel-jaw leghold traps and reform other brutal methods of capturing and killing wildlife;
Preserve species threatened with extinction, and protect wildlife from harmful exploitation and destruction of critical habitat;
Protect companion animals from cruelty and violence, including appalling conditions in commercial trade; and
Prevent injury and death of animals caused by harsh transport conditions.
Animal Programs
What sets AWI apart is that it doesn’t just help one type of animal, it helps all animals. In other words, everything from companion animals, Marine Life all the way to wildlife is supported by AWI.

They have a wide variety of programs dedicated to every type of creature imaginable.
To further learn more about their programs head on over to their website.
Above all, thanks to donations and support from companies and individuals alike, Animal Welfare Institute has accomplished the following:
- The Bureau of Land Management was blocked from proceeding with sterilization surgeries on wild horses through a preliminary injunction
- Persuaded a federal court that US Fish and Wildlife Service was violating two federal acts.
- Succeeded in getting the Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act passed by congress
- Introduced a bill to ban the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in the Illinois legislature
- Launched the Animal Welfare Institute Scholarship
- Partnered with HarperCollins publishers to rally young people to join the fight to protect endangered species
Throughout the month of April 2021, proceeds from every order on frameusa.com will go to both Animal Welfare Institute and Pockets Full of Sunshine. In addition, You can add a donation if you’d like on our checkout page.