picture frame types

Picture Frame Types: Defined

Picture Frame Types Gallery Wall

It’s relatively easy for someone in the Art world as well as an employee of a framing company to sit down and choose between all the options of picture frames that are available. However, what about the average joe? How do you decide between, Wood Frames, Metal Frames, Poster Frames? It’s simple really, you get help from an expert! Here…

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Wood, Plastic, and Metal: What You Need to Know About Common Framing Materials

Choosing a frame can be complicated. Frames come in a huge variety of styles, materials, shapes, sizes, and colors, and finding the right combination can be daunting to say the least, particularly for inexperienced framers. But a good starting point is looking at the main picture framing materials: Wood, plastic, and metal. Wood Used in framing for thousands of years…

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